Hi, I’m Amanda chobanian
Life takes you on an unimaginable journey. Mine started with a divorce. I felt like there was more to life than what I was doing at the time. As I dove deep into the healing process, I found that I had a deep desire to help people. Not in a customer service kind of way - which is what I’ve done most of my professional life, but a desire to help in a more spiritual way.
So here I am - a Reiki practitioner, Tarot card reader. Ready to help guide you on what ever path you are on.
My Approach
Spiritual Pampering is an important facet of Self Care. Just like getting a monthy massage, or pedicure, taking time for yourself is beneficial and paramount in this process. Come and be ready to be restored, renewed, and balanced. When you take time for YOU, then you are ready to take care of others.
Reiki is a non-invasive, intuitively guided, hands-on healing in which the recipient lies on a massage table, fully clothed. The practitioner places her hands in different positions on the body allowing the Reiki energy to flow through the client, providing a sense of calm and peace, restoring balance to the energy system physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Reiki assists the body to self heal. The body receives the energy, and through its own intelligence, sends it to the areas it is most needed.
tarot readings
I’ve been studing Tarot for over 25 years for my own divination purposes. In the past 4 years I have been focusing my skills and knowledge and now want to share my abilities with those who seek guidence. We all need a boost now and again or reassurance that you are on the right path. Come sit with me and let me read your cards. You will be glad you did!